So, bug, thanks again for…you know. Keeping me safe.

analyze Princess
That thing - seeker !attach sec proc Princess, Princess > !evade master-sector.


seeker > !attach Princess
Yes, all right, friends or whatever - but I just don't like you THAT way.

It was weird to see you over at the … what would you call it? Letter box? Signal tower? Dove cote?

analyze Princess
Where I transmit to my friends, and they transmit to me.

Princess > !extend transmit proc
Princess > !transmit friends
friends > !transmit Princess
What were you doing there?

seeker > !reveal truth
Listen, when I was…INSIDE the Queen, I realized that she is hiding certain things from Durga.

analyze Princess
Hide. master-sector > !evade truth >> Durga

analyze Princess
It's like the way they train you not to notice the dying in battle. You just…can't think about that. Or the way I don't want to think about my brother. ANYWAY, that's not what I'm talking about right now. My POINT is, even though one part of Durga has been following the Cranky Old Man, SHE DOESN'T KNOW IT. The Queen is hiding something from Durga. Something stashed in Chawla Base.

Chawla Base >> truth

Chawla Base >> truth
But why would the Queen !evade truth?

master-sector sec proc >> !evade truth Durga
But…shouldn't we REVEAL it?

analyze Princess
So everyone can SEEK it out and BEHOLD it? Seek, behold, reveal… that is the law and the whole of the law It's the Cranky Old Man who knows the most about the Truth, but the Queen suspects someone is betraying her, and now she won't even broadcast things about him to her crew. She is hoarding those records all to herself. I overheard her receiving them though. She must be getting really suspicious because she would wail over the most important parts so that I couldn’t figure out the names.

analyze Princess
Here. See for yourself. Here are the pieces I remember. Where it says that's where she screamed so that I couldn’t hear.

Nasty Voice
Oh God, come on, not this again.
Big Voice
Wetwork? I didn’t authorize a -------- What are you talking about?

Cranky Old Man
No Standish, the mistake was putting an -------- on a twenty-two year old girl’s rooftop.

Nasty Voice
-------- doesn’t keep me awake at night, Herzog.

The thing is, even if I could find the recordings, I don't know how to REVEAL them to Durga.

seeker > !transmit Durga

seeker > !transmit Durga
That would be so excellent! There are important truths that need to be revealed, here! Stuff that ought to be beheld! If you could do that, it would be SO

seeker > !attach Princess
Eww. I mean, maybe. We could talk about the kiss thing. Afterwards. First, do the thing. Transmit Subject 5 stuff to Durga!

!seek Subject 5
Seeker, we need to reveal Subject 5. We need to transmit subject 5 files to Durga. What must we do?

friends > !reveal Subject 5 >> master-sector
seeker > !transmit Durga
How will you know they are the right ones?

seeker > !analyze friends transmit proc
friends transmit proc >> Creepy

Once upon a time